The climate change can not be stopped anymore ! IT IS NOW UNSTOPABLE ! |
Purpose positivism is self fraud! It is past! The climatic change cannot be stopped now material seen no more. Do not let any longer deceive itself. This is the beginning of the end.
Eagerness for work is stupidity! Scientific studies those INEXORABLENESS the climatic change prove: Do you believe one these ALSO IN SUCH A WAY would really publish? They are to be only held with work mood...
The climatic change is not realistically regards no more to stop: The main concern of the scientific research is that the change of climate the world within shortest time destabilize could... > further The global climatic change: Restaurant economics NR. 1 for ecological reasons does not only have to be held the global climate in the equilibrium. (more probably) a climatic change would be expensively... > further Rapid climatic changes could bring the world already soon to the edge to the anarchy, because the States of concerned their shrinking food -, water and energy reserves with all... > further Appeasement: The largest lie of our century is those, according to which the climatic change of humans is to be still stopped now. The populations with animals continue to change already demonstrably... > The economy overrated itself: The safest way into the abyss is that, which we went so far. That at all FIRST European Hurricane Vince showed: We are soon at the end! > further Kyoto - goals: The immigration was not along-considered! The borders of the "growth illusion" are more than reached. Climatic research: Only 1.4 ° further ground electrode warming tolerably and in... > further
THE EUROPEAN UNION FACES THE CLIMATIC CHANGE HELPLESS: Minimization or appeasement of the European Union environmental policy determined by industrial lobbyists causes too few (shifting of the energy saving on the population instead of on the industrial trusts). But the first "eco-tax", naturally as ONLY as possible for final consumers, comes certainly from the European Union. - - ( climate CHANGES, global warming, climatic change. ) main side arranged CLIMATIC CHANGE. com (108 KB) - - - > ARTICLE COLLECTION 2 (knowledge sheep tl)
INTRODUCTORY: Do THEY KNOW ITSELF a PRESENTING that the SENSE of the LIFE EXISTS ONLY IN CONSUMING? NO? THEN TAKING IT ITSELF NEVERTHELESS 1/4 HOUR TIME, AROUND ITSELF ON THESE WEBSITE OVER THE CLIMATIC CHANGE TO INFORMING. We were right always: "GROUND ELECTRODE WARMING IS NOT ANY MORE TO STOPPING!" Central Europe must count on temperatures of over 40 degrees in the summer. A confidential draft for a new UN - climatic study prophesies dramatic changes to the world by the climatic change. Straight ones for Central Europe should be devastating the consequences, come out from a report of at the end of of Septembers. The report appoints itself to the estimate of German scientists. They were therefore asked by the German government for their estimate of the still secret UN draft and to draw now the dark picture for of Central Europe future. Basis for UN climatic report: The study is the basis for the 4. UN climatic report, which is to be adopted 2007. It intensifies nearly all statements of the UN climatic report of 2001, it was said. On German side that cooperated Hamburg max Planck-Institut for meteorology. The study provided world-wide of hundreds researchers comes the report according to to the result, WHICH the CLIMATIC CHANGE IS NOT TO BE STOPPED ANY LONGER. (original text!) The arctic will be ice-free in the summer. Central Europe will therefore suffer from unknown heat waves and dry periods. According to estimate of the scientists the alpine region is particularly concerned! It is clearly that processes those contribute themselves to the climatic heating up, accelerated. Source: ORF.at Vienna
SCHOOL ESSAYS WITH www. K L I M A W A N D E L com > ARTICLE COLLECTION 1 (popular) We want to appoint ourselves here to scientific bases and investigations and so clear facts submit you will show that the climatic change is not to be stopped no more. Natural science, meteorology, social sciences and science generally can give answers. Climate of the climatic change: Decrease in population, future-sang key words such as society, population, population decrease, ground electrode warming in addition, the Tsunami, earthquake (natural?) Disasters directly by the climatic change to be caused, are not understandably discussed on this line side. Letter also it your contribution to this side (DIRECT! No e-Postfenster) > LETTERS
As we said: Eagerness for work is stupidity ! Do not support also still, which course-round-arranged our entire society and our environment already so far. This economics failed long !
KLIMAWANDEL.com: ANTHROPOGENER CLIMATIC CHANGE - IT ALREADY IS TO LATE! OUR SOCIETY DOES NOT KNOW NOW ANY LONGER FAST ENOUGH TO IT REACTION! OR FAITH IT SERIOUS TO A WORLD-WIDE ENERGY CONSUMPTION REDUCTION OF 62 % AND CO2 REDUCTION OF 79 % ALREADY IN THIS YEAR? BUT JUST AS MUCH WOULD BE ALREADY NOW NECESSARY! The essay, paper or also the homework for the school can be compiled with the help of our side. Publish also essays, Referate with us! Users - contribution: The CLIMATIC CHANGE changes our climate. The economy leads into a restaurant failure. The environment becomes the Unwelt, if a natural catastrophe and/or a climatic disaster of the next disaster follows. How does the stock exchange, the stock market react to it? Already a climatic change and only quite a change of climate, temperature differences, a quilting, a Wettercapriolen, weather changes and climatic changes lead to the destruction, to the fall of the economy. Climatic change, weather, wetterwechsel, climatic collapse, weather fall are already in all mouth. Climatic research: Fauna and Flora are just as affected by climatic changes as the polar caps of ground electrode warming. Climaticcaused society changes with effects on Virilitaet, Fertilitaet (allin accordance with. Lustlosigkeit, reduction of the geburtenzahlen) are to be noticed now. End time: Which prophet announces the end correct? Already Nostradamus believed a climatic change and the climatic chaos (or climatic change) to have foreseen. End time theory? Also in writings (in henochischer language) in the year 4000 before Chr. by the mixture of the seasons the speech was already. Polar today pole jump or pole reversal is already often afflicted with the term. Melt the polar caps comes death and a spoiling over the planets. Austrian, Germans, European and world-wide climate conditions change inseparably from each other. Europe may not be the victim of a wrong Umwelpolitik of the USA or China (and/or the own, wrong and of the industrial lobby determined European Union climatic politics). In addition, the "restaurant terrorism", inconsiderately practiced capitalism like one it nowadays everywhere finds and almost already diseased and inconsiderate winning vines of some industrial branches is here mentioned. Inconsiderate handling our resources and our C02 output (anthropogen) have fatal consequences. Computations of future climatic changes are only difficult to manage. Restaurant economics number 1 is undisputed-proves the climatic change become. Military conflicts never led to the Verkarstung or to devastation of millions square kilometers or to Hurricanes like the first European hurricane Vince. (and hurricane Katrina) also not to an ozone hole or an oversize at ozone and destroy the tree existence generally not. Only one tide disaster arranges more damage, than a bombardment in the war! KYOTO: For the first time the Kyotoprotokoll in dt. language on these Website! NO Download necessarily! All contributions to these Site originate from technical literature as well as text contributions from specialized magazines, which we gathered carefully and investigated. Klimawandel.com: Editorialally worked on, constantly updates, ADVERTISING-FREELY.
Inconceivable water masses many dead ones and hurt one as well as gigantic damage in the Federal Republic as also in Austria and in Switzerland... Glow heat, duerre and devastating fires in Portugal destroy the forests and threaten also the lying close cities... SCHOOL ESSAYS WITH www.KLIMAWANDEL.com This by www klimawandel. com provided school essay brought in for Carla (Schnupsi) Huber the note 1. THE CLIMATIC CHANGE ( Anthropogen climate change ) Climatic experts warn for a long time of the consequences of the ground electrode warming caused by the increasing output of greenhouse gases and bring these events with it in connection. This is however only the beginning! Also unreversible and suddenly occurring climatic changes with not foreseeable consequences are feared. In the second half of the 20stem century natural catastrophes increased on the Northern Hemisphere by 2 to 4%. Since end of the 60's the schneedecke on our planet decreased around 10%. The summer ice thickness in the arctic decreased for the 50's by 40%. The scenario of a climatic change is just as threatening as material. The collapse gulf stream, in whose consequence the northern hemisphere becomes clearly cooling. And if the weather tilts, wars will determine so the forecast pentagon - of a study around the supplies oil, water and food the history of our planet Hurricanes in Northern Europe, landslide in California, bad shrub fires Australia... After meet-long rainfalls with an enormous landslide in California at least ten humans died. Likewise with landslides five humans died into Brazil. At least three humans were killed in England, when the heaviest storms swept for years over the country. 2 human lives demanded inundations in Costa Rica. In Australia one fights against the largest shrub fires for over 20 years. Nine persons died in terrible flame hell. Hurricane Katrina! Death hurricane killed than 1300 humans in the USA more. Hurricane Vince ! The first Hurricane Europe since beginning of the recordings! (before Spanish coast) A report ("Climate CHANGE and of extremes Weather Events") that the WWF (World Wide find For Nature) recently submits has, comes to the result that such weather disasters could accumulate themselves up in the future... The study warns that inundations, storms, rainfalls and duerren become ever worse. During some regions the world from the consequences of the climatic change remain exempted, meet it others particularly hard. Particularly in the south gets the extreme weather events ever more frequently to feel. But in these countries an infrastructure and the financial means are usually however often missing, in order to meet the increasing tempests. The authors WWF report stress that the climatic change is already approximately around the globe clearly noticeable and the social and economic damages already now dramatically sind."Der key to the solution of the problem lies in the western industrialized countries. Either we invest into renewable and more efficient energies, or we will experience, how nature strikes back. INTRODUCTORY: Do THEY KNOW ITSELF a PRESENTING that the SENSE of the LIFE EXISTS ONLY IN CONSUMING? NO? THEN TAKING IT ITSELF A HALF HOUR TIME, AROUND ITSELF ON THESE WEBSITE OVERVIEW-MODERATELY OVER THE CLIMATIC CHANGE TO INFORMING. "the key to the solution of the problem lies in the western industrialized countries. Either we invest into renewable and more efficient energies, or we will experience, like nature strike back." The CLIMATIC CHANGE changes our climate. The economy leads into a restaurant failure. The environment becomes the Unwelt, if a climatic disaster of the next ones follows. Who could probably still suspect as course-foreseeing prophet, how the stock exchange and the market prices to constant natural catastrophes to react? Shares become worthless and the next Boersencrash drive the share quotations in soil lots. Already a climatic change and only quite a change of climate, temperature differences, a Wettercapriolen, lightning-like weather changes and climatic changes lead to the destruction, to the destruction, to the fall of our society. Society changes like it are already noticeable with effects on Virilitaet, Fertilitaet (Lustlosigkeit, reduction of the geburtenzahlen). Already Nostradamus believed the climatic change to have foreseen and warned before a shift of the climate zones. Also in writings written in henochischer language 4000 before Christ is already of the mixture of the seasons the speech. This homepage does not deal however with more in greater detail since we to scientific bases to appoint itself and want to submit clear facts. Decrease in population, population decrease in addition, e.g. the Tsunami, one future-sang key words such as society, population, (natural ones? ) disaster is not caused directly by the climatic change, is discussed here. Weather, wetterwechsel, climatic collapse in addition, wrong prophets, which arrange with their Prophetie damage are mentioned. Fauna and Flora are just as concerned as a polar cap or the other one of the two polar caps. Polar today already all too often pole jump or pole reversal is afflicted with the term, because also the pole reversal is under way. Melt the polar caps comes death and a spoiling over this planets. The increased water levels saves the largest danger for coastal towns. In Germany, Switzerland and Austria however different effects of the climatic change threaten the population directly. Austrian, European and world-wide climate conditions change inseparably from each other. Austrian, German or Australian regarded is the climatic change and the same. German scientists should concern themselves thus exactly the same with this topic, as one now already does this in Australia (due to the almost not filtered sun exposure). German, Austrian climatic change, European, "environment and invironment", climate CHANGES, global warming and air pollution must replace also in the USA the word "oil". Because "it the German climate CHANGES is the same climatic CHANGES as is in America." Europe may not be the victim of a wrong environmental view of the USA or China (flooding by a Tsunami e.g. concerns even also the German, oesterr. and French travel branch and destroys there jobs) from an end time to to speak is not the only sense of these Website however the things round by our climate independent itself increasing. Unfortunately there is no code, the climatic changes future in the changes of the climate leaves themselves and computations to recognize is only difficult to manage. A weather fall e.g. is recognized often only few hours before occurring the event. The weather and the weather changes are subject to an often unvoraussehbaren interrelation and by the increasing climatic change follow still faster a weather situation after the next weather situation. All contributions to these Site originate from a read sample, a literature and a technical literature as well as other text contributions from relevant magazines, which we gathered carefully and investigated, as well as contributions of the editorship from www.Klimawandel.com. The science and particularly the natural science enough material to us with supplied, in order to be able to offer to you collected this overview about climatic change. In addition, the restaurant terrorism, inconsiderately practiced capitalism like one it nowadays everywhere finds and almost already diseased winning vines of some industrial branches is pointed out. Inconsiderate handling our resources has naturally fatal consequences. Restaurant economics number one is undisputed-proves the climatic change become. It still places all dagewesenen war sequences into the shade. Hardly a war ever dezimierte the tree existence. Military conflicts never led to the Verkarstung or to the devastation of millions square kilometers or Hurricanes like the first European Hurricane Vince. Only one tide disaster arranges more damage, than a purposeful bombardment. Tides remain existing however as highly rise the water with the next tide? " W E I T E R L E S E N (NEXT ARTICLE - ARTICLE COLLECTION of the PRESS)